

At The Woke Insurgency, our mission is to illuminate the undercurrents of neo-Marxism in contemporary American culture and politics. Through rigorous research, critical analysis, and accessible education, we aim to uncover and understand the complexities of this ideology’s rise and its ongoing influences. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive, clear perspective to inform and empower individuals, enabling them to thoughtfully engage in the discourse surrounding this movement.

We are committed to fostering a knowledgeable community ready to participate in informed discussions and actively contribute to a balanced and insightful cultural dialogue. Beyond awareness, The Woke Insurgency dedicates itself to developing and disseminating effective strategies and tactics to counter the ideological and cultural revolution we identify. By promoting intellectual integrity, nuanced understanding, and constructive debate, we strive to empower our audience with the tools necessary for impactful action and positive change in countering the tide of neo-Marxism in the United States.

Read the origin story.

The Founder

Mike is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience in crisis management, physical security consulting, technology management, and military service. His commitment to professional development is demonstrated through his past and ongoing education in Information Technology, Business Management, Criminal Justice, Open Source Intelligence and traditional Intelligence studies.

Currently, Mike works in the crisis management industry, helping companies prepare and respond to crisis events and testing their organizational preparedness. He co-founded an organization to educate and train professionals across various industries, enhancing organizational resilience in crisis situations. Additionally, Mike oversees the company’s technology infrastructure.

Previously, Mike served as a physical security consultant for a diverse range of domestic and international clients, specializing in threat, risk, and vulnerability assessments, alongside security system evaluation and design. His experience also extends to providing anti-terrorism training and security consulting services to maritime industry clients.

In the realm of high-threat security operations, Mike spent nearly two years in Iraq, providing protective security and conducting electronic surveillance operations. His significant military background includes nearly 11 years in the U.S. Army as a Non-Commissioned Officer. His roles as a Reconnaissance Scout, Sniper, Infantry Squad Leader and Operations NCO, reflect a breadth leadership skills that have greatly influenced his areas of expertise.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Mike has been actively involved in Libertarian politics, from state executive committee to campaign management of various state and national level political campaigns.